A barber head, same as what it is called, is a mannequin head that is used for hairdressing. There are more and more people now think hairdressing is very important to their looks. Clothes, shoes, or bags are no longer the only items that can represent someone’s fashion taste, but the haircuts are also the good points taken part for one to stand out in peers.
Thanks to the mannequin industry, many barbers or salons can use fake heads to do hands-on training. After times of practicing and improving, every barber could find what he or she is good at and that’s how he or she could satisfy their customers.
Under the boost of social media or fashion icons, new hairstyles are coming out on trends every day. If you are looking to play around with new hairstyles, you can practice styling the hair with fake heads.
Mannequin heads that used in salons
Many salons will follow the fashion trends and help customers to create their unique looks. By doing so, they will need to consider the time they would spend on one customer. As this is a business of making money, the services and technics they deliver are very important to win a customer’s heart.
Before salons provide the service to customers, hairdressers need to take their hairdressing methods and duration into account. With the barber head on hands, they can fasten the way of styling haircuts thus won’t spend too much time on some simple, easy job. If you aim to accept at least 10 customers’ bookings one day, there is no way in hell you need to slow down due to your unfamiliar skills.
This is how the fake heads could do their job for barbers. After work, barbers or hairdressers could use spare time to improve skills by practicing it with the mannequin heads. The more familiar you are with your job, the more booking you will get, and the more money you can make. This is a long-term investment that helps you to upgrade yourself to the next level.
How to create the Elastic-Less Boho Braids on the barber head?
Are you still learning how to set up an all-back with your real hair? Is it hard for you to see how the styling ways go at the back of your head? Even for individuals who want to learn hairdressing skills by watching Vlogs, a mannequin head is indeed such a good teaching partner.
There are a lot of videos to learn new hairstyles online. Click one or two videos that are attractive to learn is not hard with the help of the head models. Do you like Taylor Swift? She is such a famous singer as well as a fashion icon! Here we will show you how to do the Elastic-Less Boho braids on the fake head! You can wear the same haircuts as Taylor does!
Boho braids are easy to do. All you need at the beginning is one of the mannequin head with long hair and some beauty tools. We suggest you buy the long hair model first, or else you may need to figure out some of the points by yourself as the hair length is different. Here are the steps for you to follow:
1. Find a center point on the head model’s forehead. With the help of the dent-less clips, you could separate the hair and keep the forehead clean.
2. Do curls with your curler on the hair. Increase the hair volume by wrapping hair up over and over the head.
3. Let go of the dent clips, pinch a small amount of hair around the mannequin head on either side then apply some hair spray to keep them hold.
4. Create a three-strand braid with your fingers, do it on each side of the hair. Instead of untangling the ends, do a reverse braid from the bottom as well.
5. Make a loop and flip the bottom of the braid with your fingers. Secure the twists and make sure the braid will lay flat. Do it on both sides of the head.
Yes! This is how you will do a Boho on the barber head. If you want to learn more about other hairstyles, like the undone French hair, Contrast Bob hairstyles, and so on. You can always watch some videos or ask some pro to teach you by using the mannequin head!